Tuesday, March 11, 2014

                                                                 The Crisis of Manhood

A variety of changes have taken place in the American ideal of masculinity of the course of the last 150 years. In the 20th century American men found themselves burdened by the ideals of masculinity including; the workplace, their roles as fathers and heads of households, and their drive for power, wealth and success. According to Kimmel, these moments were the first that self made masculinity became under siege. Males in the work place found themselves bogged down by restrictions placed on them by societal expectations, and sought better options in which they could maintain a certain level on masculinity. Many mens liberation groups of this time period felt that "men would live longer, happier, and healthier lives, lives characterized by close and caring relationships with children, with women, and with other men. These groups sought to liberate men from their role as males which had been predefined by generational experience.

I certainly agree with Kimmel. The male liberation movement of this time saw men being destroyed by expectations of their gender, and sought to allow men to move past the previous expectations that had handcuffed them into their societal place.

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