Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Is ethnicity still important to white ethnic racial groups in the 21st century?

When it comes to the white race, the importance of ethnicity in the 21st century has seemed to dwindle. Although, at one point it was an important tool for those who wanted to assert some sort of status over other groups.  But with the creation of the term “white,” there is no longer a hierarchical status linked to one’s background. Everyone that falls under the “white” race category, no matter if their Italian, Irish, German…etc., are now on a more level playing field; at least in terms of ethnicity and the color of their skin. There may still be some stereotypes that come with each ethnic group, but these stereotypes don’t provide ground for someone to be looked down upon or seen as below someone.  Moreover, in the 21st century, ethnicity seems more of an engaging table talk conversation. Where one’s family heritage might seem interesting, there is no longer that worry of being seen as unequal.

With all of that said, I think most people find importance in their family heritage aspect of ethnicity. Rather than being focused on the color of their skin, people embrace the traditions and customs associated with their background. Which is something I fully embrace. I think that there is a sense of pride knowing where my ancestors came from.

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